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35 Days

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Friends and Family, 

It has been a crazy last 3 months finishing up school, competing in Speech and Debate tournaments, and finally graduating!!! It has been amazing to see the ways that God has moved in these past months. Last summer I participated in Young Life’s Work Crew at Trail West, in Colorado. In the month I worked at Camp, I made so many friends and truly saw the Lord work in and through us. In part, because of my service at camp, I feel the Lord has led me to join this next adventure. In August, I plan on going on the World Race, a 4-month mission trip to Italy with an organization called Adventures in Missions.

The World Race exists to mobilize a generation of radical Christ followers, discipling and training them to establish the Kingdom of God. This is also a study abroad program, so in the morning, I will be working on online classes, and in the evening, I will have many different ministry opportunities ranging from Evangelism to Helping Small Businesses to Children’s Camp (VBS) and many more. I will also enjoy the blessing of living with families in host homes while I am there. I am confident that the Lord is going to work in us and through us. I am so excited for this opportunity to learn more about the Father and to bring the Kingdom to the places we will be. I see how God has equipped me these last few years as my family has been trained and equipped through a discipleship ministry called No Place Left. 

In order to go on the World Race, I need to fundraise. I trust God fully in this trip and know that if this is his plan for me that he will raise the funds needed. Through this he is also helping me grow a team of partners who are willing to walk with me through this process.

First and foremost, I want to ask you to join me in prayer for my trip; that the Lord would be preparing my heart and the rest of the team to serve in his Kingdom, and that the hearts of those we are serving are open to hear and receive the gospel. Pray that we would be bold and brave and courageous and that we would serve his children with whole hearted abandon.

If you do feel led to support me financially, you can do so above!