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Thank you for coming to my ministry partner page!
I'm so honored that you would prayerfully consider joining my Ministry Partner Team.

Partnering with me has an impact across the world for year to come! Your prayers and generosity makes it possible for me to mobilize, nourish and maintain relationships with facilitators and participants with Beauty for Ashes.

The depth of God's redemption in women is compelling many to action. Our 2023 impact was incredible!
  • 42 Locations around the world
  • 6,074 Women impacted by Beauty for Ashes
  • 177 Women hosted a Beauty for Ashes Gathering
  • 123 Women were certified through our Facilitator Training 
  • 283 Retreats & gatherings
  • 113 Mission trip participants
God's transformative love is dismantling hopelessness and women are rejecting lies and embracing God's truth over their worth and identity. The following are a few examples of numerous women whose lives have been forever changed through Christ at a Beauty for Ashes retreat.

"God used this retreat to help me forgive and heal wounds that I had for a long time. The Lord Jesus reminded me of my identity and how valuable I am to Him. The dynamic of praying, drawing and then sharing what God and the precious Holy Spirit brought to my heart was a great blessing and very healing. I thank God for this beautiful ministry”.

“Some of the retreat attendees weren't even believers. But were drawn to the opportunity to get real, breathe deep, and build community.

By the end of the retreat SO many of the women expressed an interest in taking the next step towards Jesus. What a joy to be a part of what God is doing!"

"I am immensely grateful for this life-changing experience, as it has profoundly shaped my understanding of my spiritual path. With God's love as my guide, I am committed to being a dedicated leader, worship leader, walking alongside other women on their journey of faith. I eagerly look forward to embracing this sacred calling of God and embracing God's will in all aspects of my life."

Through making a  donation (monthly or a one time), you can be a part of women being restored through the love of God.

Thank you for your partnership, prayers and generosity!

Would you like to know more about me? Read my blog!