Linesville, PA Goes to Guatemala and returned changed forever!

We teamed with some amazing people serving Jesus in Parramos with Pastor Abner and his family along with some faithful women of AIM, Morgan, Emily and Sole. We helped run a VBS, in-between rain drops we hosted a water fun day and on another day hosted a soccer tournament for youth of all ages. Our team was warmly welcomed into homes of some of the church members who shared their testimonies with us and yummy food! There were prayers shared and tears shed, but most of all our memories will last a lifetime. We had the blessing of being able to install safer wood stoves to two families and supply them with water purifiers so they could provide their families with safe drinking water. On Sunday we worshiped with Pastor Abner, his family and his church family where Jesus is using them to restore families in the Parramos area. One of most talked about events we were blessed to be a part of was taking soup to feed the homeless and hungry at the hospital. What an opportunity to see the hands and feet of Jesus at work through worship, prayer and sharing love. Thank you AIM for providing opportunities to serve and be served. It was truly a blessed week and we can't wait to return. We were told that our team set a record for bringing the longest serving missionary to date. One of our team members is 92 years young and still faithfully serving his Lord!